
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Faith...

Please Note : This post is to record few principles of what I see as my faith. I invite the readers to examine it and present their opinion.

Before I proceed, I wish to spend some time talking about my definition of faith...The noun fish can be construed as singular or plural. Similarly, faith is a combination of beliefs, principles and values. We as social beings, live in a religiously pluralist world, with each and every one of us interacting with different religions/ teachings in our own way...and all our experiences frame our faith which is our own.

I believe every being is a small component of Universal Energy, which is seen in/as various forms according to different religions/beliefs. As a newly born child, each of us is given a role to play, a puzzle to answer, a task to complete. In our efforts to achieve what we are destined for, we are allowed to make choices...This I believe is our real test called life. I have come to believe with my experiences...God (Universal Energy) is always kind...we are never tested/judged on whether or not we will be able to identify our destiny...our duty for which we are given an opportunity..but we are judged on the choices we make. in our efforts..I have always believed to see the bigger picture...with every moment...every experience we encounter, as a hint given to us to seek our destiny...

While our choices frame one half of what we are judged on, emotions make up the other half of judgment... our intentions are more important than our actions...when we are to choose,  it is important to respect  emotions...sincerity and honesty in our intention will always reflect on our respect for emotions. When you fail to be sincere and honest in your intentions, and hence show no respect for emotions (of your own and that of others)...your soul loses its purity and thus punished...

It is always an interesting question to ask, when others around us have no moral values,  are ethically challenged  and  have least  regard for my emotions, why do I have to still respect their emotions? Everyone of us is given a role to play, and we script our own ways to achieve what we are destined for....we are not asked to judge others, we are to be sincere in our efforts, honest in our approach  and respect emotions...thus grow closer to Universal Energy and possibly reunite with it...while those who fail to be sincere and honest...will lose respect and dignity... and will be punished in a befitting manner....for impure souls will burn in the glow of Universal Flame (Universal Energy..which is purest in its behavior and judgment...we all need to strive to achieve its purity to reunite with it)

This is my faith...I always choose (to the best of my knowledge) to be sincere and honest in  my approach and intention...respect emotions...and those who wish to not value my emotions...I believe will be critically punished and awarded with the kind of respect they truly deserve...

Sincerely (and in complete honesty)