Yours passionately,
Thursday, December 31, 2009
My Wish : Be my reason to live or let me die...
Yours passionately,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Critical Addiction...

Most of us, if I may say so, the real cause for the initiation is normally not met, but we reconcile by creating a pseudo target for ourselves. It is our natural tendency to create this needed disturbance in our life, for we are addicted to our objectives, our interest in certain something which will make us re-align our actions.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Persian Odyssey
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Summoning: The Taste of Grief
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Destiny Test : My Kind
We Vs Me Debate
It is always easy to point fingers, but it is tough to understand that pointing fingers is more about pointing at self. We drive ourselves to that position when we wish to seek more than what we presumably can take. What one needs, is patience and a firm understanding of one's self. We need to achieve our objectives, met our goals, this is a fast moving world, but when do we realize that everyone has their own pace? One should not fear going forward slowly; one needs to fear only to stand still.
There are many reasons, why this post has seen the light of the day, but there are only few to explain the choices that we make. When we tend to look at life as an abstract art form, we don't believe it truly is abstract for we can make sense of it, everyone has his/her own meaning depending on their sensibilities. Likewise, it is about time that we understand the meaning of our life and existence.
All the Best!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ornament of the Night
She hesitated, perched at the edge,
that malady called doubt pervading her thoughts.
Would her wings be strong enough?
Battling one another in her core.
With herself as the single casualty
She sensed the footsteps approaching
… The palms pushed her from behind
…The ground slid out from beneath
And then the wind became her harness
Too weak to sustain her, she sank…
But her descent met its end
Her wings suddenly broke out of paralysis
Propelling her towards the Heavens
And she rose, higher and higher
So when she turned to thank him
He was no more than a blur in the distance…
Galaxies away,
He smiles at the newly-formed star of the night sky.
Satisfied, he continues along the edge
Seeking out another of doubt’s victims.
(This is not a personal work of mine, and is a true reproduction of the original piece. I wanted to record it today, for I felt the time has come...Her wings finally broke out of paralysis, and the ascent has begun.)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Paradigm: Vicious Monosyllables of Life
Nothing is inevitable in life. I have come to believe, there is an intermediate state between being ignorant and being arrogant in life. It is when we seem to consciously ignore various elements, to have a happy existence that one tends to be sucked into the vicious circle of thought going down the spiral to a state of solitude.
Everyone has got their moments in life, when one feels left out, but what makes such experiences even more unique is the fact that, it is during such moments that we finally get an appointment with logic. I sincerely believe, and strongly advocate that miracles are possible, and are beyond logic. But, when you get to understand the larger picture, miracle is not a singular moment, but it is a collection of events which result in the same, and logic is clearly seen in how these events shape up.
What I wish to conclude from the above discussion, is the fact that one is always sucked into the vicious circle, when one is searching for logic to explain and understand various events. In such cases, it is important that we understand when a singular event fails the logic, it is better that we include various related events in the larger picture and then search for a possible logic. I have experienced an understood ease in analysis when I applied this postulate. I hope it helps the reader as well.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Foolish Destiny...

They say, one is furnished with his/her needs, only when he/she asks for it. It is indeed a similar trend in regard to understanding how the universal soul, furnishes us with means to meet our desires, only after we acknowledge the need for the same.
It will be an interesting exercise to solve this paradox, let me take the help of a simple mathematical understanding to arrive at what I want to conclude, lets examine the sides of an Isosceles right angled triangle. (For the uninitiated, Isosceles right angled triangle is a triangle, with one of its angles equal to 90 Degree, and the other two angles both being equal to 45 Degrees, with the total sum of angles adding up to 180 Degrees). In such a triangle, not getting into the details of proving the following statement, it is seen that both the sides opposite to the 45 Degree angles, are of equal length and the side opposite to 90 Degree angle is square root of 2 times the length of the other two sides, this fundamental is a conclusion from Pythagoras Theorem.
It is important that we note this development of dependency, and understand the condition under which it might happen so that we can benefit from it.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
एक ख्वाब...
एक ख़याल...
एक हकीकत हो तुम...
दोस्ती में पढ़नेवाली हर ज़रूरत हो तुम|
जिससे रोज़ एक बार ही सही...
बात करने को दिल करे...
अरे यार अजीब मुसीबत हो तुम...
प्यार हो तुम|
Monday, March 23, 2009
Life: Something amiss
Location: Pride Hawaii
Date: 23rd March 2009
When land slips from beneath our feet, is it the fear to hold ground? or is it just the casual anxiety of a new beginning that creates the difference in our feet? On my first trip offshore, I had the experience of staying on a jack up platform. With water all around, I wish to call this phase of my life, ' Aquatic Surrender'.
What makes this experience unique is the fact that, even when I was surrounded by people, I felt as if I was deserted on a platform with no way to escape, no route to take. It is a weird feeling to stand on the edge of the platform, and look down into the water...
Seeking beyond the landscape my eyes can capture, I still stand here... all alone, with my own self for company. And all that I understand is all about bridging the thin gap between what you desire and what you get...that is where it begins, and where it ends...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Ecstasy: Celebration by a Free Soul
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sweet Surrender: Within you, I wish to lose myself...
Is it this feeling that I have no strength to fill the voids, or is it the warmth that you provide to explore the sunshine? Is it the faith that there is nothing beyond you that I need to seek, nothing except you, within whose sphere, I can safely lose myself and yet be a winner ? Is it this feeling which is giving me strength to seek you, and bind you completely...even when all that I know about you is just you...
Within you, I wish to lose myself...forever!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Schlum-dog Millionaire
Job life as I have pointed out many times earlier in my previous posts, is rather a different game compared to student/academic life. Recently, I was trying to figure out what are few important driving points for what I am trying to do in my life. As always, movies play a huge role (at least in Indian context, they do!) and I was attracted to comparing myself to the lead character of slumdog millionaire, not that the movie does not have enough parallel analogies already, but it is interesting to notice a striking similarity in titles!
For someone who is interested in earning a decent start, and in the mean time decide what exactly he wants to do in his life : in the process getting into a different mode of working, a more tabular life, and more with the company he is working with, suits the title Schlum-dog millionaire. The title is self explanatory...
- Why I wish to leave 3 lines before the end?...Space is an important need when we work in tabular mode.
- Special Mention: Shival Kathe for his contribution in arriving at this title.)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Is Equality Subjective?
We humans, celebrate differences and take pride in them, and yet seek (read: fight) equal treatment. Another example is the recent storming of Andhra Pradesh Assembly by few "community leaders"/ "well wishers" to demand for special status for their community for they feel they are backward, and are not given fair chance. Why is it that people who wish to seek help, because they feel they have the equal right as any other Indian, still stick to addressing themselves as "being from a certain community"and yet complain when they are addressed in such a way by a "community outsider".
It is rather interesting to see how our politicians fail to notice that the differences are a natural result of our environment and factors which are beyond our control (we can never really attribute the same qualities to both men and women, can we?) . It is not surprising to see why this is a common place event in India, we are lead by a pack of fools, most of them uneducated, not qualified to even seek a clerical position ( justified in their own way, learning the tricks to fool the nation and the best practices of corruption, kept them away from education, in any case who needs education to be hooligans? politics is about making money, why worry about people, right? All we need as a qualification is a possibility that you either have one criminal case against you, or were close to having one recorded with your name on it, or have some super-shot mother picking you to be the next prime ministerial candidate, because all she cares is about having access to public money to live happily forever, why do we have to care about the people?), few those who are educated are dragged into the race of protecting their interests, that the position of few essentials in their bodies have slipped positions. What India needs is a reason to believe, believe that our system can be set right, our system is their to help us live happily.
I wish to see educated men leading us, who will give a sense of direction to our nation, put to rest, fools who seek equality by highlighting differences, who will give all the different "community leaders" and people who instigate the feeling of belonging for a community based on religion, caste or social status other than being Indian, to breathe their last, who can offer a tight slap to all the "activists" who fight unjust causes to engage themselves. I seek those, who have the strength to clean the filth of dynasty politics and hunt for people who support it, and lay them to rest. I hope to see such a day...
Friday, January 23, 2009
MDG # 8: Develop Global Partnership for Development
The MDGs represent a global partnership that has grown from the commitments and targets established at the world summits of the 1990s. Responding to the world's main development challenges and to the calls of civil society, the MDGs promote poverty reduction, education, maternal health, gender equality, and aim at combating child mortality, AIDS and other diseases. Set for the year 2015, the MDGs are an agreed set of goals that can be achieved if all actors work together and do their part. Poor countries have pledged to govern better, and invest in their people through health care and education. Rich countries have pledged to support them, through aid, debt relief, and fairer trade
(This article is a part of my essay on MDG # 8 : Develop Global Partnership for Development for Voice on MDGs)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Seeking CHANGE!
Life is a constant struggle to see a logical link in transition and that when one moves into a different phase, we still are connected to our previous history in a way that impresses us to move ahead and seek further growth rather than pull us down and seek solitude.
There are many examples to speak about this trend, when we seek change, how that influences us to question our present practices, understand the positives - take them forward, understand negatives - discard them, life is a learning experience with events teaching you the art of seeking a better state of existence.
Lets seek CHANGE!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Me and Me...

Friday, January 02, 2009
2009: An Optimistic Beginning
Personally, I wish to give myself more opportunities to seek and influence a positive change, however small. 2008 was a turbulent year, with memorable gains, and losses which I wish to forget. I wish to begin 2009 on a positive note, with the taste of just the positive moments of 2008, and wish to create a positive impact.
As they say, '....from those to whom much is given, much is expected...', I gained a lot in the past, and wish to seek and influence a change my way this year, year 2009!