
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Blessing: Power of Rumination

I always wondered why things happen? When we speak of our understanding of self, we normally don't acknowledge the influences from other entities... people, places we visit, memories we cherish...

I personally believe that memories we cherish define life...This 50th post on my blog is dedicated to my week long experience which gave me a bag full of memories...I had the opportunity not only to gain an insight about a different culture but also gave me an opportunity to learn more about my own country...People from a different sphere, with varied tastes and interests influenced me to understand my own existence...Amidst the clouds of warmth and friendship ...there exists a string that holds all of us together...the interest to communicate...I hope the string of communication sustains itself...

These days will remain the most cherished moments of my life for a long time to come. To all the people who made it possible, new friends who created a difference...

Thanks a lot! I lived my life...


jaxie said...

words and thoughts of the past will be preserved with time and effort. we will continue our conversations with as much curiosity and enthusiasm-- even as oceans, ticks of the clock, and footsteps fall between us!

see you soon to reminisce on memories, and make so many more!!!


Abhijith Jayanthi said...

Thanks a lot :)